
The Ladyboys of Bangkok: The Greatest Showgirls Tour 2019!

Monday, November 04, 2019
Time to get your glam on as the Lady boys are back in town and celebrating turning ‘21’ with The Greatest Showgirls Tour 2019!  Always a highlight of my social calendar this year will dazzle as The Lady boys of Bangkok transform into 16 of the most glamourous showgirls, adorned with crystals and sequins galore, to showcase tributes to some of our favourite...


Defining Luxury: Decoding the World of Luxe!

Sunday, March 24, 2019
Luxury (NOUN): 1    A state of great comfort or elegance, especially when involving great expense.            1.1 count noun: An inessential, desirable item which is expensive or difficult to obtain.            1.2 in singular: A pleasure obtained only rarely. "Luxury” is a term we hear all the time in modern society, but is often...


OOTD Diaries! Boho Style and FASHIONWEEK Dreams!

Friday, October 12, 2018
Fashion like the seasons is ever changing, a never ending quest to find the “new look” a la Dior. The entire industry is built upon a quest to constantly push the boundaries of creativity, and give consumers a fresh take on how to dress. Even for someone like me who has a well defined personal style I still look on at the new...


OOTD Diaries : Harness your inner Firehorse!

Wednesday, August 22, 2018
People often ask why I like to buy designer goods, some believe it’s for the kudos of being seen to wear designer labels, or that I have “more money than sense”! But those reasons couldn’t be farther from the truth, in fact it’s the opposite, every substantial purchase is always considered. For me the choice to buy from a designer label stems directly...