
Spotlight on Guinness Amplify - Supporting Emerging Musical Talent in Ireland!

Monday, July 07, 2014

We have some amazing creative talent here both North and south of the Irish border, and through my blog I'm lucky enough to meet some amazingly talented fashion designers! However it's not just in the field of fashion design that we have a creative melting lot of hot emerging talent, we also have a strong and established musical herritage too! It's with this in mind that Guinness has recently launched a new programme to provide support and resources for our up and coming musical talent!

Guinness has unveiled a new and very exciting music programme with the launch of Guinness Amplify. The programme will turn up the volume for emerging musicians in Ireland and Northern Ireland by supporting them as they unlock their full potential! Connecting the freshest new music talent in Ireland with audiences all over Ireland, as well as providing them with some of the resources and expertise they need to help them along the way!

Speaking at the launch, Stephen O’ Kelly, Marketing Director, Guinness said; “Ireland has an incredible music heritage and is recognised all over the world as a hotbed of exceptionally talented musicians. Guinness has a rich tradition of supporting music in Ireland and Guinness Amplify takes this support to a new level. The combination of live performance, promotion, recording time and rehearsal space, as well as the opportunity to learn from experts within the industry, is something that we know can make a real difference in helping musicians to develop. What better way to have your music heard than in a great pub packed with people appreciating the performance, as it unfolds in a live gig”.

The programme has four key components each designed to cater for the different needs of emerging talent.

Guinness Amplify Live, will offer the opportunity to perform in hundreds of pubs all over Ireland from Thursday through to Sunday across 5 weekends, kicking off on the 11th September in Leinster and will rotate around Ireland, focusing on a different region each week over the course of the five weekends.

Guinness Amplify Live schedule:





There will also be a few surprises along the way! Once a weekend, over the five weeks of Guinness Amplify Live, some of the biggest names in the music industry will perform surprise gigs in pubs in unknown locations. The line-up of major artists will include Kodaline, Ellie Goulding, Walking On Cars and Daithí. More names will also be announced during the summer!

Another aspect of the programme will be Guinness Amplify Studios, comprising of 60 days of free studio time, that will be offered to musicians, as chosen by our expert panel, to record, or rehearse, in studios located around Ireland. In addition, the Guinness Amplify Workshops, a series of intimate music workshops around Ireland will be developed and delivered by First Music Contact and will feature music industry experts. Places at the workshops will be offered to musicians on a first come, first served basis and those interested should log onto www.guinnessamplify.com for further details.

Speaking at the launch Kodaline said “There are so many incredibly talented musicians in Ireland who currently don’t have the right support to bring their career to the next level. Guinness Amplify will help to open doors for so many people through the roadshow of pub gigs around Ireland, providing access to experts in the industry and ultimately helping musicians to fulfil their potential. We know first-hand the hard work that goes into launching a music career and this level of support is invaluable”.

Following months of live performances, studio recording, rehearsal time and workshops, the cream of the crop, as decided by our expert music panel, will get the chance to perform at Guinness Amplify Live Stages - 5 showcase events in some of Ireland’s most renowned music venues in February, 2015. 

The Guinness Amplify expert panel includes, David Kitt, Jonny Quinn, Nialler9, Sinead Troy and Stuart Clark all of whom have a wealth of experience to share with emerging talent in Ireland.  These industry experts will decide on which bands will be chosen to avail of the free studio recording time, as well as those who will go through to perform at Guinness Live Stages in February, 2015, following months of performances, studio time and workshops.

Also speaking at the launch, Jonny Quinn, drummer with global sensation, Snow Patrol, and founder of Polar Patrol Publishing, said “This is a great campaign and when I first heard about it, I knew immediately I wanted to be involved.  Finding and fostering new music talent is how Polar Patrol Publishing came about. It’s something I feel passionate about and I look forward to supporting Guinness in their quest to uncover and nurture local and emerging talent in Ireland.”

Full details of the Guinness Amplify programme are available on www.guinnessamplify.com. Bands and musicians interested in taking part in Guinness Amplify have until July 31st to log on to www.guinnessamplify.com and upload their details.

Massive thanks to Danielle Scullion at Smarts Communicate for the press release and all imagery.

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