
Defining Luxury: Decoding the World of Luxe!

Sunday, March 24, 2019

Luxury (NOUN):
1    A state of great comfort or elegance, especially when involving great expense.
           1.1 count noun: An inessential, desirable item which is expensive or difficult to obtain.
           1.2 in singular: A pleasure obtained only rarely.

"Luxury” is a term we hear all the time in modern society, but is often misunderstood. In today’s Instagram obsessed world it’s easy to get caught up in the hype of a designer or luxury product: suddenly everyone is talking about the latest "Must Have" items and we find ourselves seduced by the marketing of the brand and it’s aesthetics. In a world where a picture is worth a thousand words, we sometimes forget to appreciate the most important story of all……. The true value of what lies beneath the shiny surface of that belt, bag or dress you are lusting after.

Luxury by its very definition is rare, an item or experience that is exceptional, beyond our wildest expectations and as a result is revered and respected. However it’s so easy to get caught up in the hype of luxury, the power of marketing and the pressure to conform in our social media obsessed society. We see everyone with the logo belt or red soles, the bee trainer or the quilted bag and before you know it's value is defined by it's popularity and brand. We forget to look beyond that hype and consider what it is that actually makes it “luxurious”.

More than ever we are becoming a society that seeks to make socially conscious decisions when it comes to our purchases. From ethical sourcing of raw materials and production regimes, to fair pricing and sustainable purchases, we as consumers are wanting to make informed choices when it comes to our spending power. As someone who has been obsessed with designer fashion my whole life, every luxury purchase I have made has always been a considered one. Before I ever bought my first designer bag I knew all there was to know about it, from the leather used to make it, through to the custom made zips produced for it. For me that bag was more than just a label, it was a representation of the finest craftsmanship and skill, producing a true work of art that would be with me for a lifetime. The intrinsic value of luxury for me comes from an understanding, respect and appreciation for the exceptional skills required to create something rare and special.

As many of my regular readers will know, All too often we get so caught up in the prestige of a label and forget to look beyond it to fully appreciate what actually makes that dress, bag, or even a meal or cocktail so remarkable and worth it's price tag. With that idea in mind “Defining Luxury” was born. A monthly post on ‘The Real Elle Woods” where I examine the true meaning and value of modern luxury in today’s society.

I am often asked why I choose to spend my money on luxury fashion, fine restaurants and expensive cocktails (to name but a few of my vices) but it is my hope that these monthy posts will help to decipher the world of luxury and provide a glimpse into it’s true value and worth. It’s not just a red sole that makes a Christian Louboutin shoe so desirable, just as the double CC clasp we all recognise on a Chanel bag is only the starting point for why it has earned iconic status. Ever considered why a Patek Philippe watch is so expensive, well to understand that we need to discover what lies beneath those ticking hands. This is what “Defining Luxury” is all about, a journey of discovery, decoding the world of luxury and exploring why it is worth the price tag it commands. From fashion to lifestyle, every month we shall discover what goes into creating a luxury item, and the customer experience that goes alongside it.

My first post in the series will feature one of my favourite labels as I delve into the world of Olivier Rousteing’s “Balmain Army”, where I hope to give a glimpse into just what goes into bring his breath-taking designs to reality and sharing with you some of my favourite Balmain pieces from my wardrobe!

“Defining Luxury” will be officially launching at the end of March, featuring in depth reviews and interviews from some of the best names in the luxury sector and I cannot wait to share this world with you all!

All photography by Adrian Quinn Photography.

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