
Style at Stormont is coming!!!

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Action Mental Health’s IT Skills Coach Victoria MacLynn models a Ted Baker Playsuit, part of SS13 hot colours collection. Styled by Jemma, Personal Stylist at House of Fraser.

I love a good fashion show, in fact I cannot think of a better way to spend a night out........and sometimes, a show comes around that makes your heart skip a beat! Maybe it's because it feature's your favourite label/designer....or it's due to the models who will be gracing the catwalk......or even a stunning venue........

Well in the case of Action Mental Health's "Style at Stormont" on the 13th March, fashionista's will have a lot to look forward to!!! The show itself will be taking place in the prestigious surroundings of the Great Hall at Parliament Buildings, Stormont. This mere fact alone was enough to have me dying to attend!! With it's opulent marble pillars and grand staircase, it will be a magical backdrop to the stunning models and fabulous fashion on display!

This not-to-be-missed event has support from some of Northern Ireland’s best known names in the fashion and beauty world. The stunning models from Tracey Hall's Style Academy will be wearing Spring/Summer 2013 collections from retailer House of Fraser, whilst the talented hair team at Peter Mark and award-winning make-up artist Paddy McGurgan will be making the models "catwalk ready"!!

With such a stunning venue, wonderful fashion from House of Fraser and the immense talents of Style Academy's models, Paddy McGurgan and Peter Mark, this show has all the makings of being one of THE most glamorous events of the year!

But don't forget, as much as I will love watching the fashion on display, the event itself has a higher purpose! Since 1963, Action Mental Health (AMH) has provided life-changing services, helping people to recover from the effects of mental ill-health. Now in their 50th anniversary year they are celebrating being chosen as the Northern Ireland Assembly Commission’s inaugural Charity of the Year. This event will not only help to raise money for the charity, but also will help to raise awareness of Mental Health issues.

Ahead of the event, CEO David Babington said, “Good mental health is one of the most important aspects of general wellbeing. At some point in life most people will face a challenge with their mental health and it is important to have the right information and tools to cope. We know that socialising and reducing isolation can really help so this event is a perfect example of how people can come together to look after their own mental health, support others and reduce the stigma of talking about mental health.”

With such an opulent venue as Parliament Buildings, Stormont, and the talents of Style Academy's Models, Paddy McGurgan MUA and Peter Mark I for one am beyond excited to attend! (In fact i've been so excited to go, I think I may have even been one of the first to purchase a ticket!!)

The event will be taking place at Parliament Buildings, Stormont, Belfast on Wednesday 13th March, 7.30pm. Tickets are £25 and available to buy online now. This includes a drinks reception, goody bag for every guest and entertainment by James Huish, Belfast’s very own “Bublé”. With so much local talent supporting the event, all proceeds will go to Action Mental Health to help their support services and outreach work across Northern Ireland.

We are all in for a night to remember, so please come along and join me on the FROW for a truly fabulous night of fashion for an extremely worthwhile cause!!

Tickets are limited but can still be purchased securely online at:

Action Mental Health website:
They can also be found on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/amhNI and Twitter: http://twitter.com//amhNI

Action Mental Health’s IT Skills Coach Victoria MacLynn models a Ted Baker Playsuit, part of SS13 hot colours collection. Styled by Jemma, Personal Stylist at House of Fraser.

Massive thanks to Callum Clark from Action Mental Health for providing me with the press release and all relevant photographs.

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